PNG 3D payment terminal, element illustration, transparent background licenseAnother surprise for London! : Important engagement of Pat O'Brien, the Great Irish Giant and his wife, the renowned German… Image from public domain licenseWonderland Whitechapel Road (next to St. Mary's Station) ... Easter Monday April 6th, 1896, and during the week ... Image from public domain licenseField Marshal Tom Thumb! : For four nights only / Royal Amphitheatre, 15 Great Charlotte Street. Image from public domain licenseMonday, Dec. 20th first appearance of the wonderful Belgian giant (8 ft. high) Alfredo Devartos : (24 years of age)… Image from public domain licenseLook! Look! Startling attractions : Monday, December 6th, 1886, and every evening : another surprise for London. Important… Image from public domain licenseLook! Look! Startling attractions. Monday, December 6th, 1886, and every evening : Another surprise for London. Important… Image from public domain licenseMonday, May 4th, and until further notice : dive for life ... The Irish Giant, Captain Murphy, standing nearly 8ft. high… Image from public domain licenseA grand juvenile night : by desire and under the immediate patronage of the right honorable the Earl of Sefton ... the… Image from public domain licenseSpecial arrangement for Christmas holidays of Herr Joseph Drasal, the German Giant, the tallest man ever exhibited : and… Image from public domain licenseRoyal North Woolwich Gardens ... : W. Holland's grand carnival benefit on Monday, August 23rd, Tuesday, 24 & Wednesday 25… Image from public domain licenseThere is something coming to Wonderland (Whitechapel Road), adjoining St. Mary's Station) ... on Saturday, July 18th, 1896… Image from public domain licenseTo the public! : fifth appearance of the American Giant! On Tuesday evening, Dec. 26th, the celebrated American Giant, Mr.… Image from public domain licenseNow exhibiting for a short time, at 122, Fleet Street, City, opposite Punch's office : Just arrived from America the… Image from public domain licenseExclusive engagement of the tallest man in the world, Albert Brough, The English Giant : eight feet in height and well… Image from public domain license